Outdoor Teak Sofa 3 Seater |
It is not uncommon for errors in the choice of teak outdoor sofa furniture to result in the inefficiency of outdoor space management. This natural outdoor teak sofa has several supporting legs. The goal is to support the load above it so even though this outdoor teak sofa looks natural from its shape but is able to accommodate a fairly heavy load and can adjust as well. This outdoor teak sofa is fine sanded finish with low backrest on the back so it is more comfortable to use. This outdoor sofa also has a size that is long enough so it can be occupied by many people or can accommodate more people.
Outdoor Teak Sofa With Quick Dry Foam
This teak sofa is using a teak timber base material. The choice of teak timber as a frame material cannot be separated from the advantages of wood its self. Teak timber is a basic material that is resistant to various kinds of pressure. Teak wood is also a material that can withstand various weather conditions in outdoor or indoor area.
Quick Dry Foam For Outdoor Foam Material
Another advantage that we can get is that even though this setter is a semi sofa chair, as we know that the sofa has a large size and volume. making the sofa has a heavy weight, this teak sofa chair does not have a lot of weight, so it can be easily moved and adjusted to the shape of the room, but has a soft seat almost the same as a sofa. The foam material used is high density quick dry foam. The material selection uses premium good grade teak timber for indoor or outdoor furniture.
Custom Design Teak Outdoor Sofa |
This teak sofa can be reproduced with different sizes, shapes and materials. We are able to accepts orders in custom size and shape depends on client needs.